Bi-annual Poetry for Peace & Muse Happening

Bi-annual Poetry for Peace & Muse Happening

Considering the turbulent times in our world, the Lindberg Peace Foundation organized a Creative Peace Happening on 12.12.2012 composed of … talks, discussions, art slide shows, poetry readings, acting poems, musical pieces: all related to the theme of PEACE and how we can improve our world with empowering intentions.

Poets, Musicians, Actors and Artists shared their interpretation of what Peace in 2012 means, and how we can HELP OUR WORLD THROUGH OUR MUTUAL PEACEFUL AND CREATIVE MUSE…

A Twelve Hour CREATIVE MARATHON HAPPENING from 12 noon to 12 midnight was held that included:

Peace Prayer with and for the children of our world and future.
Chanukah Lightning CEREMONY

Bi-annual Poetry for Peace & Muse Happening

Bi-annual Poetry for Peace & Muse Happening

Participants donated their time for the sake of PEACE CONCIOUSNESS and sharing creatively our talents for a BETTER WORLD.

Bi-annual Poetry for Peace & Muse Happening

Bi-annual Poetry for Peace & Muse Happening

Miriam Felicia Lindberg Memorial Peace Foundation

The Miriam Felicia Lindberg Memorial Peace Foundation encourages innovative poetic compositions and organizes international Poetry for Peace Competitions that grants annual awards to gifted poets. The Foundation: publishes the writings of Gustawa Stendig-Lindberg, Miriam Felicia Lindberg and talented poets. focuses on developing all-inclusive artistic and educational programs for Global Peace. memorializes survivors and the victims of the Holocaust through poetry, music and art.